About Us
It's all about Love
We offer a loving welcome to people who feel as though they no longer fit within their parishes. We embrace those who have been marginalized within their faith communities because of their gender, race, or sexual orientation.
We share the spirit of unity sweeping through the world today, and our doors are open to those whose spirits are led by the spiritual teachers of today as well as by the message and teachings of Jesus.
We understand that not everyone agrees with us on matters such as same-sex marriage and we respect other people's beliefs. We would kindly request that you respect where we are spiritually as well.
We live in a country that upholds rights for all people and that includes marriage for brides and grooms and same-sex couples. We believe that Jesus has shown by his word and his actions that no one was left on the periphery and every person is celebrated. Therefore it is a privilege to offer sacraments to everyone who comes to us in the name of our Lord and with a seeking heart.
Our hallmark as the Community Catholic Church is first and foremost, Love. We joyfully celebrate the life, teachings, and message of Jesus through the beloved rituals and sacraments of the church.
We recognize that faith is not static. For those whose experience of religion has taught them to expect inflexible dogmas, complex doctrines, and rigid rules, the Community Catholic Church of Canada is a haven where your spirituality is free to grow and develop.
We support those whose faith journey is marked by exploration and questioning, and offer a safe spiritual home in which to search for the answers. We honour each person’s unique spiritual journey as a sacred covenant with the Creator.